Board and Management

Manhattan Corporation Limited’s board and management team comprises of:

Mr Marcello Cardaci

Non-Executive Chairman

B.Juris, LLB, B.Com

    Marcello Cardaci is a partner in the Australian legal practice of Gilbert + Tobin. Mr Cardaci holds degrees in law and commerce and is experienced in a wide range of corporate and commercial matters with a particular emphasis on public and private equity raisings and mergers and acquisitions. Gilbert + Tobin specialises in the provision of legal advice to companies involved in various industries including resources and manufacturing.

    Mr Cardaci is a director of Style Ltd (17 May 2013 to current) and was formerly a director of Sphere Minerals Limited (2 June 1999 to 17 November 2010), Tianshan Goldfields Limited (2 February 2009 to 13 November 2010), Forge Group Limited (4 June 2007 to 24 October 2013) and Lemur Resources Ltd (8 November 2010 to 5 November 2013).

    Mr John A G Seton

    Non-Executive Director

    LLM (Hons)

      Mr Seton is an Auckland based solicitor with extensive experience in commercial law, stock exchange listed companies and the mineral resource sector.

      John is currently also a director of listed companies Besra Gold (ASX:BEZ) and Good Spirits Hospitality Limited (NZX:GSH).

      John has held directorships in several companies listed on the ASX and/or NZX including ASX-listed FE Investments Group Limited (until August 2018), Summit Resources Limited (until May 2007), and Zedex Minerals Limited (until January 2010) and NZX listed SmartPay Limited (until January 2011), pre-2000 Kiwi Gold NL, Kiwi International Resources NL, Iddison Group Vietnam Limited and Max Resources NL. John was also the former chief executive officer of NZX-listed IT Capital Limited, former Chairman of the Vietnam/New Zealand Business Council and former Chairman of The Mud House Wine Group Limited, an unlisted public company. John also holds a number of private company directorships.

      John holds a Bachelor of Laws from Victoria University Wellington and a Master of Law (Honours) from the University of Auckland, and is a Chartered Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Directors.

      Mr Kell Nielsen

      Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer

      BSc(Geol), MSc(MinEcon), MAusimm

        Kell Nielsen is an Australian Geologist with over 30 years’ experience in project generation, exploration and development across a broad range of commodities including gold, copper and base metals. Kell has worked extensively in Australia, Mongolia, West and East Africa and Myanmar covering a diverse range of experiences and roles from grass roots exploration to being at the forefront of discoveries and managing large resource development teams for Placer Dome (Wallaby resource definition >10Moz Au) and consulting to BHP Billiton’s iron ore and coal divisions.

        In more recent years, Kell has been active in generating large resource projects for listed companies that are being mined today or are likely to be developed in the future, such as the large Ngualla Rare Earth Deposit (Tanzania, ASX:PEK), Selenge Iron Project (Mongolia) and the Diamba Sud Gold Project (Senegal, ASX:CHZ). Kell provides extensive experience accrued from management, technical directorships and consulting roles within ASX listed companies and global project acquisitions.

        Eryn Kestel

        Company Secretary


          Eryn Kestel has over 28 years corporate experience that includes over 13 years’ in the role of company secretary for ASX listed entities. She is a Certified Practicing Accountant.